Volunteer Tourism: Reef Force Volunteer

Explore Whitsundays is proud to announce the launch of our Reef Force Volunteer Tourism initiative.
The Reef Force initiative is a volunteer tourism program that aims to support both eco-tourism and the Whitsundays environment.
We will work closely with a number of organisations dedicated to the conversation and health of the Great Barrier Reef.
These include:
Our first volunteer tourism project held in conjunction with Reef Catchments involved Turtle monitoring and Marine Debris collection in the Percy Islands in November last year. The week long trip managed by Steve Fisher was very successful and taught the crew a great deal about how to run such a program.
In 2021, we have a number of volunteer tourism projects planned. We will be especially focusing on participating in the GBRMPA Eye On The Reef program from February to June.
Would you like to get involved in our volunteer tourism project?
This program needs the support of people in the community who also appreciate that we need to do our part in helping to protect our natural environment. The more information we can collect and upload the more it helps the experts manage the reef more effectively.
Some of the activities will be offered for free. Invitations will go out to volunteers and groups in advance. Other trips will be discounted to encourage your support and participation.
The focus will be placed on getting local schools involved. Teaching students and their families about the impacts on the reef will help spread the message of the importance of such actions throughout the Whitsundays community and beyond.
If you have some time in the coming months and you’d like to help, please register your interest.
The more the merrier as they say.
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